



06.21.2011– Scottsdale, AZ — Vemma Nutrition Company won a Stevie Award for Best Trade Show or Convention for the Vemma Power of Why 2011 Convention at the 2011 American Business Awards last night.

The awards were presented during ceremonies at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. The ceremonies were hosted by Cheryl Casone of Fox Business Network and broadcast nationwide on radio by the Business TalkRadio Network. 

In winning the Best Trade Show or Convention Stevie, Vemma beat out five other finalist companies across diverse industry categories.

The central goal of Vemma’s 2011 annual convention was to motivate, train and elevate Brand Partner success with incredible speakers, new products and tools, and elaborate recognition. The Power of Why Convention held February 10-13 at the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas achieved all this and more, resulting in a 30% increase in enrollments and record-breaking post-convention sales.

“Vemma is honored to accept the American Business Award for Best Trade Show or Convention for our Power of Why Convention. I am proud of the Home Office team for executing an outstanding event and Vemma Brand Partners worldwide for helping us make this the best event in our short history,” Vemma Founder and CEO BK Boreyko remarked.

In addition to the Stevie Award for Best Trade Show or Convention, Vemma was honored as a Finalist in three other categories including: Executive of the Year – Health Products and Services, Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year and Marketing Department of the Year.

Stevie Awards were presented in over 40 categories, including Best Overall Company of the Year, Executive of the Year, and Best New Product of the Year. More than 2,800 entries from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry were submitted for consideration. More than 200 executives across the country participated in the judging process to determine the Finalists and Stevie Award winners.

About Vemma
Founded in 2004 by BK Boreyko, Vemma Nutrition Company is rapidly growing as one of the premier industry leaders specializing in premium liquid nutrition. Every day, thousands of people join the company’s mission to make a positive difference in the lives of others through the sharing of the clinically studied Vemma formula. Vemma wellness products, coupled with the company’s rewarding business opportunity, help people live a better quality of life, both physically and financially. Vemma is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona and distributes its products through a global network of Independent Brand Partners operating in over 50 countries. For more information, please visit

About The Stevie Awards
Stevie Awards are conferred in four programs: The American Business Awards, The International Business Awards, the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, and the Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service. Honoring companies of all types and sizes and the people behind them, the Stevies recognize outstanding performances in the workplace worldwide. Learn more about The Stevie Awards at

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